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Holiday Christmas Sterling Sliver Charms
Holiday Easter Sterling Sliver Charms
Holiday Halloween Sterling Sliver Charms
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Pewter Spacer Beads
4.5mm Square Pewter Alphabet Beads
5.5mm Square Pewter Alphabet Beads
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Base Metal Gold Tone
Base Metal in Silver Tone
Beading Accessories
Gold Pewter Spacer Beads
Head Pins & Eye Pins
Pewter Bookmark
Pewter Spacer Beads
Pewter Toggle Clasp
Sterling Silver Earring Findings
Sterling Silver Jewelry Clasp
Sterling Silver Jump Rings & Split Rings
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Chain Sterling Silver
Bali Style Silver Chain
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Fashion Earring
Fashion Necklace
Fashion Jewelry Necklaces
Jewelry Findings
Base Medal Bronze Tone
Base Medal Copper Tone
Base Metal Gold Tone
Base Metal in Silver Tone
Beading Accessories
Gold Pewter Spacer Beads
Head Pins & Eye Pins
Pewter Bookmark
Pewter Spacer Beads
Pewter Toggle Clasp
Sterling Silver Earring Findings
Sterling Silver Jewelry Clasp
Sterling Silver Jump Rings & Split Rings
Fashion Pendant
Monogram Personalized Jewelry
Personalized Gifts and Engraved Gifts
Designer Accessories
Key Chains
Personalized Flasks
Pewter Alphabet Beads
4.5mm Square Pewter Alphabet Beads
5.5mm Square Pewter Alphabet Beads
Pewter Beads
Gold Pewter Spacer Beads
Pewter Spacer Beads
Pewter Charm
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Silver Beads
Gold Filled Corrugated
Silver Bracelet
Silver Bracelet Charms
Silver Tone Chain Bracelet
Sterling Silver Bracelets
Silver Earrings
Sterling Silver Earrings
Silver Pendant
Gemstone Pendant
Sterling Silver Pendants
Silver Ring
Sterling Silver Rings
Sterling Silver Alphabet Beads
4.5mm Square Alphabet Beads
5.5mm Square Alphabet Beads
7mm Square Alphabet Beads
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Chain Sterling Silver
Bali Style Silver Chain
Ball Bead Chain
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Charm Bracelet
Leather Cords
Link Chains
Rope Chain
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Charm Sterling Silver
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Holiday Christmas Sterling Sliver Charms
Holiday Easter Sterling Sliver Charms
Holiday Halloween Sterling Sliver Charms
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Fashion Earring
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Fashion Jewelry Necklaces
Jewelry Findings
Base Medal Bronze Tone
Base Medal Copper Tone
Base Metal Gold Tone
Base Metal in Silver Tone
Beading Accessories
Gold Pewter Spacer Beads
Head Pins & Eye Pins
Pewter Bookmark
Pewter Spacer Beads
Pewter Toggle Clasp
Sterling Silver Earring Findings
Sterling Silver Jewelry Clasp
Sterling Silver Jump Rings & Split Rings
Fashion Pendant
Monogram Personalized Jewelry
Personalized Gifts and Engraved Gifts
Designer Accessories
Key Chains
Personalized Flasks
Pewter Alphabet Beads
4.5mm Square Pewter Alphabet Beads
5.5mm Square Pewter Alphabet Beads
Pewter Beads
Gold Pewter Spacer Beads
Pewter Spacer Beads
Pewter Charm
3D Charms
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Affirmation Rings
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Baby Charms
Ballet Charms
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Word Charms
Silver Beads
Gold Filled Corrugated
Silver Bracelet
Silver Bracelet Charms
Silver Tone Chain Bracelet
Sterling Silver Bracelets
Silver Earrings
Sterling Silver Earrings
Silver Pendant
Gemstone Pendant
Sterling Silver Pendants
Silver Ring
Sterling Silver Rings
Sterling Silver Alphabet Beads
4.5mm Square Alphabet Beads
5.5mm Square Alphabet Beads
7mm Square Alphabet Beads
Treasure Island Jewelry
Silver Charms
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Adorn Your Mardi Gras: Unveiling the Vibrant Charm of Festive Jewelry
Mardi Gras charm jewelry allows women to express their individuality and festive spirit through vibrant designs that embody the celebratory essence of the season. From necklaces to earrings adorned with thematic motifs, these pieces enhance outfits while serving as unique conversation starters that connect wearers to the joy of the festivities.
Adorn Your Passion: Celebrate World Wildlife Day with Charms that Conserve
As World Wildlife Day approaches, TIJC celebrates this occasion by offering a stunning collection of wildlife-themed charms crafted from high-quality pewter or sterling silver, serving as both beautiful adornments and symbols of commitment to wildlife conservation. Each charm invites wearers to spark conversations about protecting endangered species and the importance of maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems.
Adorned in Empowerment: Celebrate Women's Stories with Treasure Island's Symbolic Jewelry
Treasure Island Jewelry Company highlights the significance of sterling silver and pewter charm jewelry in celebrating International Women's Day by empowering women to share their personal stories through meaningful adornments. Each charm embodies unique aspects of a woman's life, fostering a sense of community and honoring the journey towards equality and recognition.
Adorned in Heritage: Celebrate Saint Patrick's Day with Meaningful Jewelry Commemorating Irish Traditions
Jewelry celebrating cultural heritage, especially pendant necklaces and charm bracelets, enhances the festive spirit of Saint Patrick's Day while honoring personal roots and traditions. These versatile pieces allow wearers to express their individuality, creating memorable connections through thoughtful adornments.
All About Sterling Silver Pendants
Delve into the enduring craft of sterling silver jewelry, highlighting its historical significance, modern affordability, and the importance of quality and care to ensure longevity. It provides insights into selecting genuine sterling silver, understanding its composition, and maintaining its beauty over time.
Celebrating Mardi Gras with Gold Pewter Charms from New Orleans
Dive into the vibrant world of Mardi Gras with gold pewter charms that capture the spirit of New Orleans. This blog explores creative ways to incorporate these unique, city-themed charms into your Mardi Gras festivities, from jewelry to decorations.
Charm Bracelets: Wearable Legacies for the Intentional Modern Consumer
In an age of disposable fashion, charm bracelets offer sustainable versatility and emotional depth, blending curated storytelling with timeless style. These customizable pieces empower wearers to craft unique, evolving narratives while aligning with modern values of intentionality, personalization, and meaningful consumption.
Charm Necklaces: The Centerpiece of Curated Style
Charm necklaces transcend accessories, acting as the focal point that unifies an outfits narrative with intention. Unlike bracelets, which subtly accent the wrist, necklaces command attention at the heart of your look, harmonizing layers, necklines, and personal stories into one polished statement.
Charm Your Heart: Celebrate Love Your Pet Day with Unique Jewelry Keepsakes!
Love your Pet Day and Dog Biscuit Day are wonderful occasions to show appreciation for pets, and unique pewter and sterling silver charms provide a heartfelt way to celebrate that bond. By incorporating these charms into jewelry or attaching them to pet collars, owners can carry a piece of their beloved companions with them, symbolizing the joy and connection shared.
Charming Reflections: Wear Your Faith This Ash Wednesday with Meaningful Jewelry
Ash Wednesday charms serve as meaningful jewelry pieces that symbolize the beginning of Lent, allowing wearers to express their faith while enhancing their personal style. With designs reflecting themes of sacrifice and renewal, these charms provide a tangible reminder of spiritual commitments and facilitate engagement within Catholic communities during the sacred lead-up to Easter.
Craft Your Story: Unleashing Personal Style Through DIY Necklaces
Creating your own DIY jewelry necklace allows for a personal and creative expression of style, transforming meaningful materials into a unique piece that resonates with individual stories and memories. By experimenting with various designs, crafters can celebrate their uniqueness while creating fashionable statement pieces that can be cherished for years to come.
Crafting Faith: Christian Charms as Divine Touchstones in Personalized Rosary Design
Discover how Christian charms transform rosaries into bespoke devotional treasures, blending sacred symbolism with heartfelt individuality. From pewter saints to sterling silver charm disks engraved with lifes milestones, explore how these meaningful accents deepen prayer and celebrate spiritual identity.
Crafting Faith: Transform Your Rosary with Personal Christian Charms
Christian charms transform rosaries into deeply personal spiritual tools by incorporating symbols of faith and individuality. These embellishments not only enhance the aesthetics of the rosary but also deepen its significance as a means of connection to one's beliefs and experiences.
Crafting Your Love: The Art of DIY Bracelets for Self-Expression This Valentine's Day
This Valentine's Day, indulge in self-love by creating a personalized DIY bracelet using pewter or sterling silver charms that reflect your unique identity and passions. This creative endeavor not only results in a beautiful accessory but also serves as a meaningful expression of individuality and self-appreciation.
Dental Charm: Celebrating National Dentist Day with Style and Appreciation!
National Dentist Day on March 6 offers a special opportunity to celebrate dental professionals through thoughtful gifts like pewter or sterling silver charms that symbolize their commitment to oral health. These charms not only express gratitude but also inspire young patients to embrace dental care, fostering both community and personal style within the profession.
Discover Trusted Wholesale Charm Suppliers: Why Leads in Pewter & Sterling Silver
Finding a dependable source for bulk pewter and sterling silver charms can elevate your jewelry business. Explore how TIJC.coms decades of expertise and commitment to craftsmanship ensure premium quality, timeless designs, and seamless bulk ordering for retailers and designers.
Earring Enchantment: Craft Your Own Style Statement
DIY earrings offer a creative avenue for women to express their individuality and enhance their outfits with unique, personalized designs. By experimenting with different styles and materials, one can craft statement pieces that not only elevate their appearance but also reflect their personal flair and artistic vision.
Embrace the Serpent: DIY Jewelry for the Lunar New Year
As we welcome the Year of the Snake, DIY jewelry makers are drawing inspiration from the serpent, a symbol of wisdom and prosperity. This article explores how enthusiasts can create elegant, serpent-themed jewelry like rings and earrings, embodying the snake's attributes of adaptability and intuition. Learn how to fuse traditional cultural symbolism with personal style to produce unique pieces that celebrate the Lunar New Year with creativity and meaning.
Embracing Faith with a Silver Pewter Crucifix
Explore the meaningful ways to incorporate a silver pewter crucifix into your life, from personal devotion to home decor. This blog provides practical and spiritual guidance on how to use and care for this timeless symbol of faith.
Jewelry: The Perfect Mother's Day Gift to Express Love and Appreciation
As Mother's Day nears, jewelry emerges as the quintessential gift, embodying both elegance and heartfelt sentiment. From personalized charm bracelets to trendy stacking rings, choosing the right piece can beautifully express love and appreciation, making it a memorable keepsake.
Shine Bright This Valentine's Day 2025s Ultimate Jewelry Gift Guide for Every Budget
Celebrate Valentine's Day 2025 with our curated jewelry guide, featuring sterling silver and pewter charms and pendants for every budget, from under $2 to over $25. Discover pieces that are more than adornments; they are symbols of love and memory, blending timeless elegance with modern charm for that perfect, heartfelt gift.
Shining a Light on Recognition: Celebrating National Employee Day with Meaningful Gifts
National Employee Day on March 7 is a valuable reminder of the importance of recognizing employee contributions and fostering a positive work environment through appreciation. Thoughtful gifts like personalized jewelry can serve as meaningful tokens of gratitude, enhancing motivation and creating a sense of belonging among team members.
The History of Sterling Silver Charms
Explore the timeless allure of sterling silver charms, which have not only been symbols of protection and faith since ancient times but have also evolved into expressions of personal interest and style. This blog delves into the history, uses, and care of sterling silver charms, illustrating their significance from ancient Egypt to contemporary fashion.
The Perfect Gift: How to Pick a Present for Confirmation & Holy Communion
Christian charms add personal spiritual significance and individuality to necklaces, bracelets, earring, bookmarks, etc. These charms transform into meaningful devotional tools by incorporating symbols that represent faith and one's milestones, these charms create unique narratives and deepen the user's connection to their spirituality.
The Significance of Religious Charms and Pendants
Explore the various ways people across different cultures express their religious devotion, focusing particularly on the understated yet profound use of silver religious jewelry in the West as a symbol of faith. It discusses how these pieces, like crosses and medallions, serve not only as adornments but also as personal reminders of spiritual commitments.
Unlock Your Jewelry-Making Masterpiece: The Secret to Effortless Charm Attachments
Discover how jump rings, bails, and lobster clasps transform ordinary charms into stunning, customizable bracelets and necklaces with unmatched versatility and security. Explore the endless charm options at and craft a wearable story thats uniquely yoursno tools required, just creativity!
Unlock Your Style Story: Themed Charm Collections for Every Season, Culture, and Chapter
Discover how themed charm collections breathe new life into your jewelry, letting you accessorize with intention for seasons, celebrations, and personal milestones. By mixing and matching symbolic charmslike winter snowflakes, cultural motifs, or wanderlust tokensyoull craft endless outfit narratives while keeping your style fresh, meaningful, and clutter-free.
Unlocking the Secrets of Charms: The Hidden Language of Hearts, Stars, and Spirit Animals
Discover the fascinating history and cultural significance of popular charm designs, from timeless hearts to celestial stars and spirit animals. Explore how these tiny tokens carry profound meanings and learn how to choose charms that reflect your own journey, values, and cherished memories.
Treasure Island Jewelry Company
Treasure Island Jewelry Company is an industry leader in the sale of sterling silver charms and beads
7207 Regency Square Blvd Suite 270
(713) 783-2217
FAX: (713) 783-2240
Browse our considerable collection of charms, beads, jewelry, gifts, desk items, and beading supplies today!
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9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CST Monday through Thursday
9a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday.
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